Rules and Regulation

Rules and Regulation

School Leaving Policy: Ø General Policy: The school will process the School Leaving Form (SLF) automatically in the following circumstances: If a student violates discipline of the school policies or If a student is absent from school for a long period or If a school cannot contact the parents over an extended period of time or If a students or parents do not pay the relevant fees, no Progress Report or Transfer Certificate will be given unless the student has cleared all dues. Ø After cancellation of enrollment, the student will need to go through the re-admission process if they would like to continue studying at New Blown, and admission will depend on the availability of seats. Ø Transfer Policy: Please note that academic results are kept only for two years by the school. Therefore, Transfer Certificates or Mark Transcripts should be collected within that period. Ø Transfer Certificates, Mark Transcripts and Letters of Reference etc. will be issued only upon submission of a written application. Ø The minimum time for completing the procedure is ten working days. Ø Certificates and Mark Transcripts are issued

to the students directly. Please note that Transfer Certificates will be issued from the school office. Ø Transfer from Campus to Campus: Transfers from campus to campus are done on a case to case basis and only allowed at the beginning of the session. Ø Parents have to apply for transfer in advance, so that the concerned offices can make the necessary arrangement for transfer. Ø All requests for campus transfer should be submitted to the Director. The decision for transfer is informed in written to the parents by the office.