Managing Director
Md. Zakir Hossain : One of the founder members of New Blown School, plays a vital role in the overall management of the institution and actively devises and implements development plans for the school. He arranges training and provides motivation to the teachers and supervises all administrative tasks of the school.
Furthermore, he is also actively involved in academic planning and implementation and co-ordination with the guardians. He also plans and designs all sorts of schools publications and cover pages. On the top of all these, he maintains a strong liaison and co-ordination with the different stake holders of education.
Mrs Syeeda Parvin : One of the founder members of NEW BLOWN School, is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the school. She gives council on student-related matters and parent communications, oversees faculty and management affairs and provides guidance to the Heads of School on a daily basis. She is also involved in academic practices for the School.
Mrs. Mazma Azhar is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the School. She provides instructions to adopt pertinent teaching methodologies, incorporates changes unacademic syllabus and coordinates in the external matter. She is the trainer of the teachers and staffs. She is also responsible for long term strategic planning.